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New Unryo Release with major additions around Anomaly Detection

MONTREAL, July 2, 2020  -- Unryo v1.5 is here! This release brings many new capabilities on the analytic front. Other enhancements with the v1.5 release include a data tagging feature, a collector disk buffering mechanism, and a unified navigation experience across metrics, events and logs.

Release Highlight: Streaming Anomaly Detection

Detect problem better and faster with Unryo 1.5. This release adds a unique set of features that makes problem detection and alerting ready day 1, self-configured and fully automatic, yet highly flexible to meet enterprises & CSPs needs.

All starts with the “Unryo analytics engine” that analyzes the data stream in real-time. Loaded with 60+ analytics templates, the engine continuously learns and detects anomalies across the entire infrastructure from clouds to on-prem environments. Out-of-the-box, this analytics instrumentation focuses on the few but important use-cases. Triggered alerts appear in the “Alerting Console” and that can be delivered to specific teams or OSS tools via emails, Microsoft Teams, Slack, OpsGenie, ServiceNow and SNMP traps. From the Unryo Console, users get live dashboards that combine metrics, alerts and logs for maximum observability, helping them speed-up the mean time to detect (MTTD) and mean time to repair (MTTR).

Key new features


  • New Alerting Console: Meet the new Alerting Console Tab, accessible from the top navigation bar, that make it easier to triage issues, by displaying all alerts and impacted resources in real-time. Users can filter, sort, view details of alerts, and jump right into the relevant dashboards associated with the alert.


  • Strengthen Streaming Analytic Engine: The Unryo Analytic Engine can be deployed and activate in a click, as a containerized app, where you want (on-prem, your clouds, or simply used-as-a-service). It learns normal behaviors from the data stream and detects anomalies in real-time using advanced algorithms such as dynamic thresholding with moving average and standard deviations, no data detection, combo-metrics, forecasting and more. Notification Channels are supported going from email to Slack or SNMP traps and more.


  • 60+ Predefined Analytics Templates: Simply enable the self-configured templates that are important for you – or create new ones - and Unryo will start analyzing it in real-time. Predefined templates cover the full stack: servers, VMs, containers, network, databases, applications, and clouds.

  • Quickly see what matters most: We’ve redesigned the home dashboard and added a single search bar to maximize observability and help reduce the time it takes to understand and diagnose problems. Simply search a keyword, and see instantly all resources, alerts, and logs that match, across your entire infrastructure, cloud-based or hybrid, classified by resource types, sites, geographies, or any other custom dimensions such as customers or business units.


  • Unified Model to simplify search, grouping, and filtering: Unryo’s multidimensional data model is enriched with a common set of metadata (resource name, resource type, technology) to simplify search, grouping, filtering and reporting across all the data points. Customers can also add custom dimensions such as customer name or business units.


  • Data Enrichment: Unryo now features a powerful tagging mechanism, allowing you to enrich data points with an arbitrary number of tags, before storage. Customers define the tagging rules (key/value pairs) in a simple CSV file.


  • Collector On-Disk Buffering: The Unryo Collector has now the ability to buffer data to disk when it is unable to deliver it to the Unryo Platform. Once the collector reaches the Unryo Platform again, it will send all the buffered data points, thus preventing any data loss. In addition, this on-disk buffering mechanism provides useful statistics about its operation, such as the number of buffered data points and the rate of data points written.


  • Expanded Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud monitoring: Unryo v1.5 brings new Microsoft Azure monitoring with geo localization added for Azure instances such as Virtual Machines, Storage Accounts and Web Apps. Google Cloud monitoring dashboards get more insights and automatic analysis on Compute instances, storage instances and BigQuery projects.


  • Easier OSS integration using simple report finder API: This release simplifies and enhance API calls, enabling Customers to easily retrieve charts, data, logs and alerts by specifying one or combination of multiple criteria.


  • Keep an eye on your logs:  Dashboards now display KPIs, alerts and logs in context, into a single view for maximum observability. Automation has been improved to simplify log – and network flows - sending to Unryo.


  • ServiceNow Integration: Unryo supports bi-directional integration between the Alert Console and ServiceNow incident. The integration uses ServiceNow inbound REST API to create incidents in both Unryo Monitor and ServiceNow. The same API is used to update Unryo alerts with ServiceNow business information and technical information (ticket number, impacted CI, ticket owner, etc.). Within the alerting script it is possible to select the tags to map to the incident field. 


  • Watch4net/Dell EMC M&R / SRM Adapter: Don’t discard any of your investment and simply ingest your valuable infrastructure metrics in Unryo. You can instantly benefit from all the Unryo feature and initiate a seamless transition into the next generation with minimal disruption.



The Unryo Team

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About Unryo
Unryo is a modern monitoring analytics platform which let you gain full visibility on all the layers of your infrastructure, from physical up to deep inside your applications. All of this with simplicity, thanks to the pre-configured connectors, analytics and reporting live dashboards. For more information, visit or follow Unryo on LinkedIn

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